Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Working Mother

found a forum that really helpful..just want to share....

I feel guilty about having someone else care for my child. Is that wrong?

Karen Kleiman therapist
What you're feeling is normal. Guilt often engulfs parents when they surrender childcare duties to another caretaker, whether you do so for an hour, a day, or 50 hours a week.
You may think you're abandoning your responsibilities, or worse, abandoning your child. You're not. You're doing what you need to do to be the best mother you can be.

Being a working mom doesn't make you a bad mother. Your guilt will dissipate over time. What will help the most now is finding a responsible and loving caregiver for your child. When you work hard to find the best care for your child, you'll likely be more able to let go of guilt. You'll also feel more secure because you know your child is receiving the best care.

more info here


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