Monday, January 19, 2009

Why we going to Get married???

Hello friends,

I'm not in mood today...feeling soooooo bad, angry and sad..All day feeling bad.

it's all because of my fiance this morning...during our way to come to office, we have some discussions about our marriage..before and after.. he told me to change, become a good wife, taking care of him, and be a solehah wife. I know that going to happen and I realized that I need to change and so do him.

during the discussion, I request some times for me to change after our marriage. I promised that I'll do my best to be a good wife for him because I love him soo much. I'll take care for everything about him in and out as he already part of mine on that time. BUT, to do all these things, I need some times to learn and to change my life to live with TWO since I've been live alone (bujang) all this time. Even since I Study at Melaka since year 2002 and until now, no one taking care of my life, my in and out. All on myself.

and now, it may slowly change my share whatever I or him have together..that the marriage means right. and I hope he understand. but after having some discussion, chatting, gaduh2 skit2, and he came out with his word " Once you married me, you have to follow my rules, follow what ever I want".

What rules??? I'm stacked like paper jammed in the Photostatted machine at DVM Office. huhhhh....because of this words, I've lost at my own desktop at office...nothing to do and don't know what to do...

I not marrying any man to follow any rules or to make any rules. I just want to share everything I have with somebody I love. share lough and cry, love and hate...and everything he want to share with me...and I already understand of my duty and responsibility of WIFE.

Mood : Citiee feeling sad~~~

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