Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Just feel like want to do some housekeeping...throw all old things (or donate/let go) to have more space in our home..just can't imagine why I do collect so much treasury trash in my house.. it will end up  I will keep a lot of thing that "memorable"!!! haihhh...

in store room:
2 boxes : my treasure from study time
2-3 box/bags : old clothes --> donate..or sell
stand fan - keep
paper bags -- ???
1-2 boxes : some baby's item (should keep or sell??? walker,stroller,toys )
2 bags : baby's clothes (from newborn)
stacks of blankets, comforter & toto
old news paper (should keep some)

Solat Room/guest room :
Comics : full set (Good Morning Call), conan, etc
twilight Novel 3 (new moon, eclipse,breaking dawn)
CISCO book, MTCS book, JUNIPER configuration book (nak guna lagi ke???)
zameer's things again ..haihh (Sterilizer box, clothes,shoes)
square table
broke stand hanger

and some of craft things (ribbon,paper, cloths) ---> nak buang sayang, tp bila ntah nak gunanyee????

all these things give me headache and one more things, I have to do it one will help! (papa, zameer)

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