Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Bulan Puasa


lamanye x update blog ni...malas tol laa..tu laa org wat blog pon aku nak wat gak..hehe..

just want to update some info about my life after mariage..currently is ramadhan and nearly to syawal...first time "Puasa" as husband & wife...overall he is OK..somehow satisfying..hehe

ok..I want to share about our rutine during fasting month.

4.00am - I woke up, wake up him and he will wake and continue sleeping on sofa. Me..cook for sahur meal even feeling sleeepyyy...simple dishes only : ommelete, daging masak kicap, sup ayam, ikan goreng....
* if we're late, just having coco crunch & milk (hikhikhik)

4.45am - wake him up, start eating sahur.

5.30 am - watch Qalisha (playback) - best drama..layan jerkkk

6.00 am - after solat, continue sleep for an hour before ready to work.

**luckily he's very kind to wash the dishes after every meals. I just leaft whatever plate i used in sink and he will wash all...good boy.

5.30 pm - come back from work

6.00 pm - start cooking for berbuka - simple meal also

7.30 - berbuka. he will read the Doa berbuka before eat.

8.00 - solat jemaah. good boy again for being my IMAM.

9.00 pm - watching Tv, borak2

12.00 pm - go to sleepzzzzz

that's all...

after all, we still learnig to be good husband & wife. planning our future together.